Sunday 27 November 2011

League Session of November 27th

A slightly shorter session this week, but no less exciting for it. I was lucky enough to be able to observe and help with rules on a few matches before enough players arrived that I got a game. Our first player received their Basic badge (Congratulations to Julia!) and others are getting closer by the session.

Because we have no League next week (on the 4th) The session on the 11th will be the final session of the Basic season before we dive into the Insect season. Trainers will want to attend on the 11th, as we will have a double points session, so it's a great opportunity to get your promo cards and badge!

For all those players that have yet to register on the Pokemon website with your Player ID, please do so as soon as possible - it allows accurate reporting, and the more players that are registered the less hassle there will be with materials for the next season.

Sunday 20 November 2011

League Session of November 20th

Wow, a very busy, fast, and furious session at the League today! Many new faces coming to join us (Daniel, Neil, Robin, Bryden, and Tom!) who brought a great array of skill levels and enthusiasm along with them. A few of our players are well on their way to the Basic Badge, and more than a few Watchogs were won in the course of the day.

The session next week is only from 11AM - 2PM due to unusual work obligations from myself - please take note!

Saturday 19 November 2011

League pins and kits have arrived!

The Basic season is upon us, and promo cards for the season have finally arrived, along with scorecards and pins for both Trio and Basic seasons. I look forward to awarding Trio badges to the trainers that are waiting for them tomorrow!

Welcome Trainers!

Welcome to the Edinburgh Pokemon League blog! We've only been going for just over a month now, but we have a great little group of committed players and want interested kids and adults to join us. We have members of a range of ages and skill levels, admission is free, and we meet on a weekly basis at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre's food court. Stop by if you can!