Sunday, 4 March 2012

Preparing for TCG Regionals

So here we are! VGC Nationals are over and our League Members made a great showing, participating in both Seniors and Masters age brackets. There's only one League session left before Cumbernauld Regionals on the 18th and as Regionals are on a Sunday there will be no League session that day.

So, here are some things you need to know about attending Regionals.

First of all, anyone is free to attend the tournament. Registration costs £5, and the format is Modified Constructed. 'Modified' means that only cards from the expansion Heart Gold Soul Silver to the most recently released one (Next Destinies) can be played. The Pokégym Researching Tower is a great place to check if you are unsure if a card is in format. 'Constructed' means that you must have made the deck rather than having purchased a Theme Deck. You should also have card sleeves on your cards (either of a single, solid colour or official Pokémon sleeves). For more detailed guidelines about what sleeves are tournament legal, check article 16 of the Pokémon Tournament Rules.

You will also need to bring a Deck List. This is a precise list of the cards in your deck and the number of each. There are some excellent online sites that can assist you in building and printing this deck list - my favourite is SteveP's Deck List Program but some people prefer to use Bebe's Search, and there is also a program at Pokepedia. If you can't use one of these programs, you can get a deck list form at the Tournament, but you will need to fill it out legibly and quickly.

It doesn't hurt to bring snacks, a DS, a mobile phone, a book, or some cards to trade. There might be a delay between rounds and you might need to occupy yourself while you wait for the next match to begin.

If you are planning to attend Regionals, please let me know, either in the Comments below or via email. I'm going to be getting the train to Cumbernauld along with a few other League members, and it would be great to travel together as a group!

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