Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Nationals Date and Venue announced at last!


The venue and dates for the UK National Championships have been announced, and for the first time ever the VG and TCG championships will be held on consecutive days at the same venue!

June 1st-2nd
National Exhibition C
enter (NEC)
Birmingham, West Midlands B40 1NT

TCG Nationals will be held on the Saturday, and VG on the Sunday!

Further details at the link!

I'm excited! Who's planning on going?

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Does anybody have a contact for a lad (probably named Jacob) with dark hair who came to our Plasma Storm pre-release tournament? We believe he may have possession of another child's cards instead of his own and would like to both give him back his cards and return the lost cards to their owner.

In light of this situation, a point also should be made that *everyone* needs to be really careful about their own belongings at league- particularly at pre-release tournament with lots of new, unsleeved cards floating around. Take good care of your stuff, Trainers!

-Neil x